Written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

Any type of tribe ... even if has 40-50 people, or 287 ... represent an common energetic field. The harmony can be present ... only if the people from the group are totally connected, but also have in the soul the best intentions for the tribe.  … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

I saw many times beautiful couples ... that in one point ended their love story ... in a strange way ... and i was wondering why.

I also saw people ... business partners that had amazing businesses together, that were running excellent .... but one day i heard that they closed all of them ... because they had argues all the time and could not continue anymore.

And i also saw groups of scientists closing a very important project ... because there was no communication between them anymore.

Is weird and i was quite interested why something that worked so well ... ended all the time in an ugly way.

All those relationship between 2 ( like a love story) or more people ... started in an amazing way ... but ended somehow ... becoming enemies.

They had a very long term plan ... and everything looked great ... but the story proved to be just a regular one ... with a beginning, the story itself ... and the end.

What was changed from 3-4000 years ago, when people were living in tribes ... even small tribes with not so many people?!

Why those people succeeded to live in those communities for centuries ... but nowadays ... when people create kind of small tribes, that are actually groups of few individuals ... usually end the story so easy?!

What is changed in the dynamic of a relationship of any kind?!

Why we can’t keep amazing stories ... alive?!

What is the evil part ... that just pushed the stop button in such an easy way?!

Well ... i believe that people don’t understand anymore that a group of 2 or more people is an common energetic field ... with a mix of energies that come from the people that form the group.

But our energies change all the time ... just like the weather.

Today .... our intentions are aligned with the intentions of the group .... and everything is perfect.

But tomorrow ... living in such an chaotic world ... we just forget everything happened one day before.

Being so damm influenced by the outside world, we totally ignore ... that great story of the group .... and we don’t care anymore about it.

Thousands of years ago ... everything was static.

There was no influence from outside .... and everything was seen was ... the tribe.

The tribe itself ... protected the individual, but also the individual was fighting with any needed force to protect the tribe.

Any outside element of the world, if was not belonging to the tribe ... was seen as a element of possible danger ... and usually the contact itself was avoided.

Only the tribe was important ... and the world was ... just the tribe.

And in many such communities everything from the exterior was seen ... as evil.

People cared about the group ... a lot, but today living in a world full with opportunities ... we just ignore the absolute symbols of the groups we are part of.

A group, or a small tribe ... is just a story from our timeline cause we had been taught to experience ... kindergarten, primary school, secondary school, high school, university, the first job .... then jobs ... the first love relationship ... then another one and another one etc etc.

There are no absolute values anymore.

People don’t believe in that concept anymore.

It’s not that is good or bad ... but society changed a lot ... and having so many opportunities ... the individual don’t care so much anymore for the common energetic fields ... of those groups where he is part of.

The story itself ... became just ... a story.

In fact the story is seen just as ... an episode ... one of the many episodes of life.

This is the reason why the groups are not totally connected anymore ... or if they are ... is just not for a very long time ... and also we don’t have in the soul the best intentions for that small modern tribe.

Lots of other influences will come in our lives ... some of them much stronger than us ... even if we name them positive or negative.

So ... we just lose ourselves ... on the timeline of our own lives ... forgetting everything was so damm important yesterday ... and not having anything that should be defined as absolute symbol ... just like the people from the tribes from thousands of years ago.

Is it good or bad?!

Is the modern society goes in a positive direction?!

Well ... all it happens is for a reason and maybe the meaning of the modern individual is to experience more and more things in life.

So maybe the trend is ... positive ... cause we live today a larger spectrum of experiences ... and we see the life from more and more perspectives.

But also ... whatever this change means ... we just forgot the importance of a being totally connected to some of the most important stories of life ... and have in the soul the best intentions.

Probably today ... the concept of angels and daemons is not available anymore ... as it was thousands of years ago.

Or ... we simple don’t care about it ... and we changed our philosophy ... being opened to all kind of experiences... even if they are good or bad.

All of them defines in the end our experience as individuals ... and are welcomed.

Or maybe ... the modern individual, being so much dominated by his ego ... cares today just about his own energetic field ... and not the one ... of the tribes ... whatever a tribe is.

Download the book ”My relationship with the devil redefined my life” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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